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Do this home remedy as soon as possible to reduce eye number, you will get 100% results

 Do this home remedy as soon as possible to reduce eye number, you will get 100% results

 ● Spectacles have become such a thing in today's life. It is becoming a common thing even in young children starting from an older person and if you have glasses from a young age, you should understand how much you have in your eyes at a young age and cure it at home.  But there will be a number. You will get rid of it. You don't need any operation or medicine to get the number of eyes. Just do it.

 The reason for the number in the eyes

● The most important reason is not paying enough attention to the eyes which causes the eyes to get numb quickly.  Another reason is the lack of vitamin A in the food which makes the eyes weak at an early age.  Then there is the last reason to sit in front of a computer for hours or use a mobile phone or watch TV.

 ● There are a number of reasons why our eyes get numb so quickly and we have to wear glasses and even young children have to resort to these glasses. There are a few reasons why numbers can come.  .  And this number is also increasing due to TV mobiles so let us know how to eliminate eye deficiency and eye number and take care of eyes.
● With such an experiment, the number of eyes will disappear and the number of eyes will disappear.

● The first experiment - a little almonds, dried grapes and aniseed to make a powder of these three things, taking it with milk before going to bed at night increases eyesight and does not allow the number of eyes to increase.  Better results can be obtained by warming the milk a little.

 ● Another experiment - Sugarcane and banana consumption increase the brightness of the eyes.  Squeezing half a lemon in a glass of sugarcane juice increases the brightness of the eyes.  Sugarcane contains many elements that cool the eyes and are also very beneficial for the body.  People with diabetes should refrain from this experiment if the doctor forbids sugarcane juice.

●  Experiment 3 - Eat green vegetables such as green coriander / coriander to increase the brightness of the eyes and also drink green coriander juice daily which helps in reducing the number of eyes.  Then eat more carrots, beets, etc.

 ●  Experiment 4 - Applying rose water drops in the eyes gives relief to the eyes. Doing this at an interval of 2 hours.  Insist on using pure rose water instead of the mixed rose water available in the market.
● Experiment 5 - Consuming dried grapes increases the ability to see at night.  Dried grapes should also be consumed at night and in the morning which also cures many diseases in the body and consumption at night is very beneficial to the eyes.  But be careful not to consume too much dried grapes.

●  Experiment 6 - Fill a copper vessel with water at night and drinking that water in the morning is very beneficial for the body and cleansing the eyes in the morning with the same water cools the eyes and helps in lowering the number of eyes.

●  Stop doing this one thing specially so as not to damage the eyes.

● Follow the steps mentioned above to calculate the number of eyes.  But at the same time, TV and mobile should be used as little as possible so that your good eyes are not damaged.  Because, nowadays, this is the only job that gives 60% more chances to get eye number.

● An important thing is that today's children get glasses at an early age.  Yes a child has inherited numbers but most of the present day children have numbers due to TV and mobile. To control it, ask children to reduce their use of TV and mobile and send them out to play in the open field so that they are in good health and no harm to eyes.  Does not happen

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