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The only temple in India whose door no one has been able to open till date, find out where this temple is

 The only temple in India whose door no one has been able to open till date, find out where this temple is

● Temple: A temple whose secret has been knocked on the door of the court, but is not taking the name of revealing the secret.  Yes, a few years ago there was a big controversy over this temple, but even in this controversy, it is not known what is inside the temple.

● There are many rumors circulating about this temple, which is the reason why it is not known what is inside the temple.  However, whatever the case may be, today we are going to acquaint you with all the facts and rumors pertaining to this temple.  So let's see what is special about our report.

● In fact, within the temple we are talking about, all the possibilities of having a great treasure have been expressed.  Apart from this many possibilities have been expressed towards this temple, but whatever is possible, none of the possibilities can be ruled out, because the truth will come out only when the door of the temple is opened.  Let us know that this temple is located in Kerala, which is known as Shri Padmanabhaswamy Temple.
● I don't know how many times legal action was taken against this temple, but nothing worked.  Let me tell you that there is a basement in this temple, in which the full potential of treasure is being expressed,

● But the case was dropped so that if it remained open the whole world would be horrified.  It is clear that the issue may have ended with talking about religion and playing with God, but it is like a mystery.

● These Arguments Mysterious Temple: Padmanabhaswamy.

 Let us inform you that the doors of the five basements of this temple have been opened as per the order of the court, out of which trillions of assets also came out, but the court is also refusing to open the sixth door.  Indeed, the reasoning behind this is that the argument is being made that the sixth tak of the Padmanabhaswamy temple is under the seat of Lord Vishnu, in such an endeavor, the Lord would be angry if he tried to open it.  , Which will cause not only the revelation of the opener, but its spread all over the world.

● The applicant died three weeks later.
 The man who pleaded to reveal the mystery died just three weeks later, leaving the speculation market still simmering.  However, the court tried to open this door, but later it was considered a divine will and there was also a case to defend the case.

● According to experts they say that the sixth basement i.e. the door is closed by three other doors, the first door is made of iron rod, then the second one is made of wood, not only that the last door is very large and strong made of iron, which is impossible to open.

● Such a warning is given on the sixth door of the mysterious temple.

● There is also an image of a poisonous and scary snake carved on the door of the Padmanabhaswamy temple.  If considered by experts, this image suggests that if an attempt is made to open it it can be very harmful, not only that the whole world will be destroyed.  Notably, this snake is considered to be the guardian of this gate.

● In the midst of all this came the news that this door had been opened centuries ago.  Yes, it is said to have opened 139 years ago.  An attempt was made to reopen it once, but then an arrangement was made outside the ambulance to take precaution.  It is also said that a path leads to the sea from inside this temple

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