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Money Plant Winter Care

  Money Plant Winter Care

 How to take care of Dhanvel in winter

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 ● Water
 ● Light

◆  If the leaf turns yellow
 ● If the leaf tip becomes brown
 કા If there are black spots on the leaf
 તો If a healthy leaf falls off or falls off

 ◆ Give less water ...
● Once in 10 days
● Water spray once in 4-5 days.
● Money grows well in water ...
● Excess water will turn the leaf yellow in winter.
● Watering only when the soil is dry ...
● Spray aloe vera gel so that the leaf will be clean so that photosynthesis will happen faster and more.

 ●Keep the plant where the shade is ...
 Keep it bright ....

◆ If it is indoor, keep some light in winter. Only then will it grow nicely.
 The shorter the winter days, the shorter the light, the lower the growth rate of the plant.

● Keep water or dew out

● Even if you keep the plant light for 2-3 hours a day, it will work. Do not give no sunshine in the afternoon

 ● Growth slows down in winter ...
 So apply fertilizer in September-October and then apply directly in February ... otherwise the plant will be damaged.
 If it is indoor, there is no need to give fertilizer ... to give fertilizer once a month from February ...

💝◆ Do nothing of plant reporting or cuttings
 If the plant is planted in water, do not add fertilizer to it
 ● If the leaves of the plant turn yellow ..
 - Provide filtered water ...
 Plain water is high in calcium which makes it absorb less nutrients like root nitrogen and hence the leaf turns yellow.

 - Even if there is direct light, the leaf may turn yellow
 Even if you give more water, the leaves turn yellow ... Give water when the soil is dry in 10-15 days
 - Even when the temperature changes, the leaves turn yellow ... Winter should be dry during the day and cold at night.  So if possible, take the plant indoors or if the plant is outside, cover the plant with a damp cloth to get some sunlight and keep the atmosphere moist.
 - Once a month spray one teaspoon of epsom salt in one liter of water

 ★ The leaf tip becomes brown ...

 - Add manure ... Add manure in September and in February

 - The air is dry, even if there is a lack of moisture, it turns brown
 If the temperature becomes dry, keep a pebble tray filled with water under the indoor pot to retain moisture.

◆ Healthy leaf falls ...
● root rot, or infection on the plant
 Do not take a pot larger than the plant, as it may cause root rot
● Re-potting the plant as soon as possible
 Change the soil,
◆ Potting Mix 30% cockpit, 20% compost, 40% garden soil, 10% sand
◆ Put the fungicide in the new soil
● Remove the part of the plant where the root rot has taken place
◆ Then water only when the soil is dry
 In case of infection, spray insecticide / fungicide

◆ Black spots appear in the leaf
 Fungal infections may be felt
 The fungus spreads rapidly due to lack of light in winter
 If you spray water on the leaf, add aloe vera gel and turmeric in the water, since there is turmeric and aloe vera on the leaf, there will be no fungus and moisture will be retained.

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