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This picture is shocking Find out why the daughter breastfed her father.

 This picture is shocking Find out why the daughter breastfed her father.

◆ A painting that sparked a debate across Europe between theocratic authority, purity, human values ​​and love.  The painting was created by the famous European artist Bartolomeo Esteban Murillo and was one of his most famous paintings.  In this painting, an elderly man was shown breastfeeding with a woman.
 ◆ Today we want to unravel the mystery behind the story behind this painting and make it familiar with human values.  We believe that after knowing the reality, your thoughts will also change.

◆  An elderly man was sentenced to life in prison.  This was the daughter of an old man who requested the ruler to meet her convicted father every day, which was accepted.  During the meeting in the jail, the girl was searched intensively so that she could not take food items for her father.

 ◆ The condition of the old man was getting worse day by day due to hunger.  This condition of the father was not seen by the daughter.  She was devastated by the helplessness of watching her dying father approach death.
● Then one day he committed an act that became a subject of sin and virtue for people of two different ideologies.  Unable to carry anything due to the ban, the daughter started breastfeeding her deceased father.  Due to which the condition of the father began to improve.  One day the guards caught this and presented it to the ruler.

● The incident caused a stir in the society.  People are divided into two groups.  One party considered it a heinous crime with a breach of sacred relationship, while the other referred to it as an example of love and affection for the Father.

● The case caught a lot, but eventually human values ​​prevailed and both father and daughter were released.  Many painters put the event on canvas, in which Murillo's painting became very famous.

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